Cloud security engineer job role and responsibilities

Cloud security engineer

Cloud security has come a long way since its first use or practice in the IT world. It has transformed into an efficient manner from being able to reduce the costs and speed the delivery of the IT resources into a bold and enterprise-oriented system. It allows the organizations to utilize their resources in an efficient way and consume the skills of the professionals working together for strengthening the overall security level of the enterprise regarding legal, personal or client's data behind the secured data vaults.

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Cloud security has come a long way since its first use or practice in the IT world. It has transformed into an efficient manner from being able to reduce the costs and speed the delivery of the IT resources into a bold and enterprise-oriented system. It allows the organizations to utilize their resources in an efficient way and consume the skills of the professionals working together for strengthening the overall security level of the enterprise regarding legal, personal or client's data behind the secured data vaults.

Given the fact that you are interested in the cloud technology and want to pursue a career as a cloud security engineer then you will have to get around a few things first. For starters you would be required to get around the certificate of cloud security knowledge which can validate your skills and dedicated knowledge on the subject. Also you would have to continue to strive for excellence regarding various skills that need to be learned and vice versa.

One of the key roles of the cloud security engineers are to protect the organizational data and server the metrics of the customers/users of the website/corporation to the best of their skillset and knowledge acquired over the years. You would not only have to examine or spectate the current security metrics of the cloud security systems but will also have to make amends or modifications whenever necessary.

Job responsibilities of cloud security engineer

Various cloud security engineers are engaged in extensive practices regarding designing, implementation and configuration of the cloud security systems. Nor only you would be responsible for the on board security of the cloud technologies but also of the data that these systems holds within them.

What if you have successfully designed a cloud based facility but you only comes to know later that it is full of holes and at the risk of a cyber breach. What do you have to do then? Well, first of all being the cloud security engineer you would have to temporarily terminate the working operations of the cloud systems and then rewire the complete infrastructure as per your organization’s requirements.

Not only that but you would also have to perform various tests and use your analytics based knowledge to make sure that your cloud’s security interface is now secure and fully operational without the risk of sustaining a breach or being attacked by the cyber criminals through bypassing the security of the cloud.

This job also entails that the professional should work back to back with the personnel of their team. Therefore the job itself calls for the professionals to collaborate with the rest of the staff. This way not only the problem can be solved in a spectacular way but various insights jumping on the table from various perspectives can be put to a good use. These are some of the vivid job responsibilities of the cloud security engineer and this is pretty much you would be doing after you have secured yourself the job.

Education Prerequisites

Those professionals who want to pursue this specific certification should at least have a bachelor degree to be able to go for this certification. A degree in computer science, coding/programming and or IT can make you eligible for this specific certification. Respective candidates who meet all the requirements and conditions can pursue this certification through ISC2 which is an international organization accredited by various IT councils to conduct varies examinations for extensive certifications.

Skills required

One of the most eye catching aspect of this job is that if you don’t have the required skillset using which you can stand out from the rest of the herd then you can pursue this certification at all, period. For people interested in this certification, they should have a strong and definitive knowledge of operating systems such as Linux and Windows and a collaborative approach with various technological systems. You would also be required to work with various coding and programming systems such as Ruby, Java, python and other similar systems.

These are all the hard skills that you would ever require to go for this certification but this isn’t it as you would also require the insight of a few soft skills as well. No.1 on the list is communication with the rest of your team members, a cool and calm mindset and collaborative approach to get the job done.

Cyber security systems need to be properly tested and various technicalities aligned in proper aspects for sorting out the problems and chances of breaches at a faster pace. Cyber breaches and risks of cyber space threats are only going to intensify and pick up pace with the passage of time. Therefore, you would be required to solve these problems with the best of your professional approach and swiftly managing all fundamental operations to stop or eradicate the chances of occurrence of a breach. These are some of the skills that you must have under your sleeves for when trying to deal with a cyber security issue or a breach.

Training and cyber breaches landscape

Suppose that you are managing a vast cloud computing system and a breach happens, what would be your first line of defense? Well, you would obviously try to get all the systems offline and try to deal with the breach, right? For some of the professionals this might seem like the only solution around but for someone with core knowledge on the subject this doesn’t count as a solution whatsoever. What you can do is counterfeit the ramifications of the breach by reverse engineering the attack and fading about their digital whereabouts so that the culprits can be brought to the justice.

On the other hand you must also be fully trained to work with recovery and backup systems, why you’d ask? Because these systems can best help you to deal with the massive sores of the cyber breach as data won’t be lost and would easily be recovered given the fact that you would have dedicated backups of the data. This can not only save your company from continuous humiliation but also can provide with some valuable insight such as how to present with the best course of action when a cyber breach hits.

The GCP for AWS professionals which loosely translates as Google cloud platform would do some solid good. As with GCP on-board you would have to fret less over the complexity of the AWS systems and worry more about the scalability you are putting forth with it. 


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